Get started for free

Here's a quick overview of the process, from start to finish.

Venue icon

Create venue

You can provide basic information, along with the location and some general rules that apply to all your spaces.

Space icon

Create space

To get bookings and earn money make sure you create your space profiles. You can provide specific information and pricing for different spaces, and override general rules set at venue level.

Publish icon

Optimize and extend

Keep your data (including calendars) in sync to get relevant requests and earn money, here you can find some tips. You can extend your profile features by subscribing to packages, read more in our FAQ page.

Earn money by sharing your creative meeting rooms!

Registering an individual user account is the first step to list your space.

sign up

Craftspace is your ultimate partner for promoting your space for business meetings and events.

  • Boost Revenue: List your meeting rooms on Spacebase to maximize earnings with our hassle-free process.
  • Increase Visibility: Tap into our marketing expertise for greater venue exposure. List for free with commission-based pricing.
  • Streamlined Operations: Reduce admin work using our automated bookings. Focus on hosting, not paperwork.
  • Quick Setup: Upload photos, describe your space, connect your calendar, and start receiving bookings today!
  • Comprehensive Support: We're here to optimize your listing. Let's grow your venue business together.
  • Upgrade Options: Reach even more customers with our premium plans.

Get started now! Create your free Spacebase profile and unlock new revenue opportunities.

One tool for different use cases

On Craftspace you can structure your profile in different ways, depending on your business.

Single room venue

You should create one venue, but also one space to be able to get listed and receive booking.

Multi-room venue

You should create one venue and as many spaces as your rooms.

Hotel venue

You should create one venue and as many spaces as your meeting rooms, then you can add accomodations using our 'packages' feature.